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Showing posts from June, 2012

Recount text: Full A Week in The Hospital

          Let me write about my unforgetable experience. This was really not a happy ending story. Its about my first experience to be hospitalized cause some diseas. I strongly never wanted to be “ill” like that, yet the destiny made me have to sleep in the hospital full along week. The story happened to me about three years ago when I still in the senior high school. It was trully came while I was being the first grade student at school. I just began my life as a fresh teenager at senior high school and the diseas attacked me suddenly. My headache could not go away and I felt so hurt. There was a pain when the doctor pressed my stomach. I lie down and could not do anything. I had a typus virus. It distrubed my immune system. My body massa was lost fast and I seems thinner or barren then before. Its worse if I was not brought to the doctor directly. The virus would “eat” everything that I have eaten. Maybe You ought to know about my fault beside it. I think its occured by my littl

Recount text: Interesting Place in Study Tour to Medan

          Medan (North Sumatera) itself is interesting place for me. There are so many entertaint place we can visited. Maimoon Palace, Lake Toba, Samosir Island, Cermin Beach, and etc. I could not say only one the interesting place there because all of them are interested and adorable. I really had fun when i was there. I do not want to forget about the first time i saw a wonder beach, Pantai Cermin. It is a beautiful beach with the glossy sand like a pieces of mirror out there. Same as when i saw the old building and like a palace, big and how famous it. I thinked all of people have known the Maimoon Palace, its history of Malay Culture in Medan. The next are Lake Toba and Samosir Island. Lake Toba have a great view and Samosir Island have a unique culture. Those place made me in the peace heart. Certainly, i never and sure could not forget it all. Actually i, myself, do not like a big city. I like the village view so much and Medan had gave it to me. As we known Medan is the

Bisnis kecil-kecilannya off dulu

Dalam keadaan menjelang UAS begini, saya meng-off-kan segala jenis usaha untuk mendapatkan uang pribadi. Saya telah berhenti mengajar sebagai tutor. Sebenarnya saya merasa sedih dan kangen sama anak2 murid saya dulu. Tapi apalah daya tangan tak sampai. Saya hanya menitipkan rindu itu pada semilir angin malam yang pelit untuk bertiup kkencang seperti zaman sebelum dewasa ini. Masa dimana semua masih serba perawan dan jejaka. Semua serba asi dan alami. Sekarang tidaklah begitu. Semua hal belum tentu pasti dan asli. Kita boleh mempertanyakan hal2 tsb dan menjadikan diri kita percaya. Saya juga menonaktifkan penjualan makanan sarapan bahasa kerennya nasi goreng, risol dan bakwan. Karena semata2 saya mau fokus UAS dan mengurus rumah. Nampaknya saya perlu memotivasi diri untuk bisa berjualan dengan lapang dada. Saya mau menambah sektor jualan saya. Dan sedang mencari solusinya. Penjualan buku2 dan pin2 belum juga tuntas. Semua sudah saya batasi dan silent untuk sementara waktu. Intinya

just search : introducing lesson before writting the script

Subject: Pengantar Study Agama Islam Topic: Islam kontemporer Source: Is·lam n agama yg diajarkan oleh Nabi Muhammad saw. berpedoman pd kitab suci Alquran yg diturunkan ke dunia melalui wahyu Allah Swt.; meng·is·lam·kan v 1 menjadikan beragama Islam: para wali telah ~ penduduk negeri itu; 2 mengkhitankan: ia hendak ~ anaknya pd akhir bulan ini; ke·is·lam·an n segala sesuatu yg bertalian dng agama Islam; peng·is·lam·an n proses, cara, perbuatan menyebarkan agama Islam (kpd orang yg belum menganut agama Islam)  kon·tem·po·rer /kontémporér/ a pd waktu yg sama; semasa; sewaktu; pd masa kini; dewasa ini: di samping tarian klasik disuguhkan juga tarian --; bulan ini diadakan pameran seni lukis -- di Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta  Source: Is.lam [n] agama yg diajarkan oleh Nabi Muhammad saw. berpedoman pd kitab suci Alquran yg diturunkan ke dunia melalui wahyu Al

A Sample of Drama in English

In the police office Ibna: Police woman Tia: Asst 1 Nia: Asst 2 Hidayah: The Thief Ibna: Ouch, i’m headache. So many cruelty in this world. Huh, what is this? The cases those i never touch? These cases? Suddenly two assistant of police woman are coming. Tia: You! You had stolen, but still keep silent. Admit! Nia: Yeah, you are so beautiful gal, but what you wanna be if you had been a thief? Hidayah: Ouch, please don’t pull me up! I’m not wrong. I haven’t not stolen. Ibna: What happening? You have made noisy in my office. Nia: Miss, this is, a beautiful girl had stolen at Giant departement store. She never admitted. Tia: Yes miss, she have bad accident and her face is damage by another people, but she still don’t wanna admit. Ibna: Okay, bring her to my room! The thief is sitting down in a hot chair. She is closing her face with her hands. Ibna: Oh wow, what do you have stolen? Hidayah: I have not stolen anything. Ibna: (striking the table

Komite Pemilihan Raya Mahasiswa(KPRM)

KPRM adalah suatu keanggotaan yang sangat penting untuk mengelola sistem demokrasi dalam hal pergantian pengurus organisasi seperti Badan Mahasiswa. Kali ini KPRM yang dimaksud yakni dalam pergantian pengurus Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan(HMJ). Kedengarannya sangat simple. Hanya mengurus pemilihan ketua dan wakil ketua HMJ. Tapi tidak saat anda sudah masuk ke dalamnya. Kita sebagai anggota KPRM wajib tidak berpihak kepada calon manapun. Seperti miniatur Komisi Pemilihan Umum(KPU) yang ada dalam pemerintahan negara kita. Kita akan merasakan kebersamaan dengan mahasiswa kelas lain yang baru saja kita kenal. Harus ada chemistry antara semua anggota agar timbul keterbukaan satu sama lain dalam penilaian atas calon ketua dan wakil ketua. Bukan chemistry untuk jatuh cinta antara dua insan berlainan gender, namun lebih pada rasa kekeluargaan. Dibutuhkan kepercayaan yang seutuh-utuhnya. Sesama anggota KPRM wajib merahasiakan segala keputusan yang telah diambil sampai waktunya tiba. Kerjasama un