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Showing posts from April, 2014

Peran Perempuan Masa Kini; Emansipasi Kartini vs Feminisme

Peran perempuan masa kini, merupakan topik yang sedang hangat bulan April ini karena pada tanggal 21 terdapat satu momen penggaungan emansipasi perempuan. Hari Kartini adalah hari emansipasi perempuan di Indonesia.   Mari kita ingat kembali ke zaman Kartini, apabila disebut kata “perempuan” pasti yang akan muncul dalam persepsi tiap orang adalah persoalan ketidakadilan gender, ketimpangan baik sektor pendidikan, sosial-kultural, patriarkhi , misoginis dan sebagainya, maka pantaslah perempuan zaman dahulu sering mendapat julukan secondary human after man yakni manusia yang menduduki posisi kedua setelah laki-laki. [1] Namun hal tersebut tergerus seiring waktu berlalu. Sosok Kartini dan perempuan-perempuan ‘masa itu’ berjuang dengan cara mereka masing-masing untuk mendapatkan haknya sebagai manusia yang sama dihadapan hukum dan berhak mendapatkan keadilan dalam semua sektor terutama sektor pendidikan dan peran serta mereka dalam kehidupan sosial. Upaya tersebut berbuah m

Sign Language, Written Language and the Deaf

INTRODUCTION Through people in the world communicate eachother. There are two kinds of communication; verbal comunication and   nonverbal communication. The people who has perfect system organ communicate by language. The could communicate by verbal and nonverbal. As we know well, there are not all people given perfectly system on their body specially in speech organ. Some of them do not have it, then they could not produce or pronunciate and make a sound clearly as almost people did   above. Unfortunately, they also could not hear the sound. But, it does not mean they could not communicate. The people who could not produce good pronunciation and unable to hear-the deaf [1] , still could communicate eachother with their own way; sign language and written language. In the fact, their way is not same as usual. However, communication occurs whenever meaning is attribued to behavior or the residu of behavior. [2]   In this paper which is entitled “Sign Language, Written Languag