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Mastering English Vocabulary

We have to master English vocabularies because it is the most important way to support our skill such as listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing in English. There are three strategies to master English vocabulary.
                The firstly is Vocabulary Chart Strategy. This strategy was designed to encourage students to think about vocabulary words they already know and to associate the words with a specific topic. This strategy could be used for fiction, nonfiction, and expository text. It can be easily modified for a variety of content areas. The steps in this proccess are not difficult. We use a paper to divide it vertically into two columns of equal size. At the top of the coulumns we give the heading “words i know” on the left one, and “new words” in the right one. After reading the passage we have to list and fill the columns suitably. The last rule, we should define the new vocabulary words that we have got  including how and why the words are significant as related to the overall subject of reading (passage). The benefits of this strategy are can be done individually, with a small group, or with the whole class, requires little advance preparation from the teacher, provides a ready-made study guide of vocabulary words, sets a specific purpose for reading, and good activity for a substitute teacher.  
                The secondly is Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy. The strategy that have a purpose to support the growth of general and specific content vocabulary related to a specific topic of subject by allowing our selves to choose important vocabulary words from the reading passage. Same as the first strategy, it could be used for fiction, nonfiction, and expository text.  Of course it also  can be easily modified for a variety of content areas. The steps in this proccess is simple but time consuming. We should complete a reading assgnment from the text, review the reading selection for the purpose of identifying vocabulary words, terms, or concepts. The record, discus, and share with another person who had join us before. The benefits of this strategy are nevelty of choice related to vocabulary words, straightforward, easy to explain and understand, appropriate for a pre reading or post reading activity, can be used to activate background knowledge, provides for differentiation depending upon words selected by and provided to us.
                The lastly is What’s In A Name Strategy. It was designed to teach us how to use a thesaurus, dictionary, and glossary as reference tools. We need to routinelly use these resources because we have to know familiarity with each. it could be used for fiction, nonfiction, and expository text. It also can be easily modified for a variety of content areas. The steps in this proccess are choose vocabulary words from the text, draw a web graphic organizer, write the vocabulary words directly, use thesaurus, glossary or dictionary to coomplete the web, after complete we have to collaborate then write a sentence to explain the meanning of each vocabulary word. The benefits of this strategy are can be done individually or small group, requires little advance preparation from the teacher, easily facilitates differentiation depending upon words provided to individual people, provides an opportunity to practise an important reading skill.
                All of strategies help us to enrich our skill or knowledge and we can easily to master English vocabulary. Overall  we do not suggest the readers to choose which one the best strategy, nor to discriminate another strategy. They are could be useful if we use in a right conditioon and situation. Those are contribute without should be dissapear each other. We can use all of the strategy up to our selves.


  1. Nice!
    Vocabulary is important for comprehension. Readers can’t understand what they read without knowing what most words mean. The most profitable and enduring manner through which to strengthen vocabulary skills is to use word structure to determine meaning. helps to enhance your lexical strength.

  2. Nice to read your article! I am looking forward to sharing your adventures and experiences.


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