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Undertanding Language Pattern, Punctuation Mark, Context Clues, Prefix Root Suffix, etc..

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

My task..

Asslamu’alaykum wrwb.
Alhamdulillah, the first thanks I give to Allah SWT.. who created me and give me breath till nowadays..
Shalawat and greetings to our prophet Muhammad SAW., the best human who ever life in this world.. he bring us from darkness to lightness..
Of course, thank you for Miss Melgis Pratama as my reading1 lecturer
And then thanks for all of pbi 1c members who clever also brilliant,..
Let’s check my last assignment JJJ
Nia Nurul Syahara, owner of this blog
Reading, 211011
Dash : ~run quickly
Flames : ~fire
Pull : menarik
Drag : ~to pull along the ground
Toddler : ~a young child
Praised : pujian
Burns : luka bakar
Heal : sembuh
Reading ability : to read it without traffic light
Reading comprehension : to read it with your understanding
Understanding language patterns
How to communicate :   -using  symbol
 -using  actions & gestures
                                     -using text,  conversation , etc
Kinds of communication :
1.       Visually ~ you see the media directly
2.       Linguistically ~ related to the text
Communication can be when we know that’s mean..
Foms of communication :
1.       We can combine of some letters
2.       Combine some symbols
3.       Verbal communication
Elements of communication :
1.       Communicator
2.       Message
3.       Communicant
4.       Feedback

Punctuation mark

Comma, Colon, Semicolon, and Dash
a)      Comma (,) is a punctuaton mark that is often used to separate clauses or a list of things. Usually used between independent clause and dependent clause.
1.       to separate clause
e.g: After I had dinner, he called me.
      when i called him, he was going out.
      Andre always went to watch basketball, he loved the atmosphere at the games. 

2.       to separate a list of things
e.g: I saw the girls, Caca, Nina and Yuni.
      Nia buys tomattos, chilies, potatoes, etc
3.   certain adverb
A) at the beginning
e.g: however, I still lovin you.
      Therefore, he didn't say a word.
      So, she entered the house.

B) in the middle
e.g: in that time, moreover, she must try.
      he, whenever, didn't say a word.
      The thief, however, was very clever.
4.parenthetical phrase
e.g: in the class, we are studying.
       Once upon a time, my father ate a muffin.
       My father, chewing with unbridled fury, ate the muffin.
5.before quotes
e.g: I say, “ do not open the door”,there’s something wrong.
       Mr. Kershner says, "You should know how to use a comma."
     I want to say, " I love u", month, year
e.g: January 15th, 1991
      December 19th, 1941
      Feb. 14th, 1987, was the target date
7. Names
e.g: NiaNurulSyahara, S.Pd, M.Ed, TESOL.
       Rizky Johari, ST, M.Eng.
      Steve Fox, SE.
8.geographical names
e.g: I was born in Pekanbaru, Riau.
      Johari went to Tokyo, Japan.
      You can find Borobudur in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
9. Number
e.g: $ 1,000,000
       24,345 people died.
10. Ellipsis, comma may be used to indicate a word has been omitted.
e.g: that cat is white; the bird is white. The cat is white; the bird, white.

b)      Colon (:)
Colon is punctuation mark that represented by two equalsized dots are placed in the middle of  the same vertical line. Colon is used to introduce a list of things, restatement,elaboration, and quotation.
Before colon ( : ) we should use independent clause
 I need to go camping, as follows:
1.       Snack
2.       Umbrella
3.       Sweater
For quotation if we make 3-5 sentence or more, we should use colon.
For restatement we should colon after the sentence to restate.
For elaboration when we have write before sentence.
c)       Semi colon (;)
Semi colon is punctuation consist of two punctuation, comma with a dot above it.
The function of semicolon are :
1.       Used to join together two independent clauses
2.       Used to join two clauses using a transition such as however, therefore, etc.
3.       Separate items that contain commas in a series.
1. The writing center is open seven days a week ; students may make an appointment or walk anytime.
2. I’m afraid of flying on an airplane ; thus, I have never travelled anywhere that I could not get to by car.
3. the winners of the writing contest were : SyaharaNiyya, original fiction ; Aisha Dikara, poetry ; and Mike Jacobs , who received the award for the most creative piece overall.

d)      Dash (-)
Dash is a punctuation mark that is often typed as two hyphens side by side without no space between them and the words on either side of it.
Function of dash are:
1.       To separate words in the middle of sentence from the rest of sentence.
2.        En dash (to join two words at last)
e.g: I work at Light Study Center from August-December.

Context clues

1.Definition--> refers to, can be defined as, is/are, can be called, means, belongs to, be relevant to, etc.
Refers to is just for human object.
e.g: English students are students who prefer to study English.

2.Example-->to explain or to clarify certain word or object(mostly unfamiliar words). Usually contained; like, such as, for example, to illustrate, including, especially, ect.
e.g: Tweets from the blogger behind clean green simple, who follows general food rules such as no dairy, no meat or eggs, no white flour, no refined sugar, minimal gluten, minimal processed food, and gluten-free and raw diets.

3.Cause and Effect-->also talk about unfamiliar words, the relationship. Usually contained; because, cause, because of, due to, that for, therefore, etc. its between previous clause or sentence and after.
e.g: The Prophet(p.b.u.h.) knew that this would be the last time he would the grave, or Mekkah, because during the pilgrimage he had received the chapter of the Quran called help, from which he knew that his death was not far away.

4.Contrast-->show the differenciation. Usually contained; but, although, however, eventhough, yet, on the other hand, etc. It used in clause and different sentence.
e.g: She was think could find any water but she found none.

5.Restatement--> load of back statement(same statement). Usually contained; or, in the other word, that is to say, etc. can be with a punctuation mark: comma, parenthetical use, dash, semicolon (parenthesis).
e.g: “ In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful .. This day those who disbelieve are in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so do not fear them , but fear Me! This day I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed my favor unto you as a religion Al-Islam,”(QS.5:3) 

6.Modifier-->tell about general to specific (additional information. There are find at clause, sentence, phrase. It can introduced with non restricted clause: who, where, which, that, etc.)
e.g: On the death of Al-Muttalib, who died in Yemen where he had gone to trade, ‘Abd Al-Muttalib took his place.


PREFIX is Additional letters that added in front of root or at beginning.
SUFFIX is Additional letters that added after the root or the lasts.
ROOT is Basic meaning of word or the central of word

Kind of Root :
1. Latin
2. Greck
Root, can be  -> single root -> root without prefix and suffix
        Can be -> added by prefix and suffix.
e.g: verb I, irregular verb II, irregular verb III
root :
verb + singular =s/es
remember this!
1.       Prefix + root = word
2.       Root + suffix = word
3.       Prefix + root + suffix = word
4.       Root + root =word
5.       Root=word
Nb: The aim of seeking root is to know that mean before we search the word.
The examples
a.       Greatly
b.      Accelerated
c.       Surpassing
d.      Alternative
e.      Inexpensive
f.        Toxic
g.       Marginalizing
h.      Prevention
i.         Knowledge
j.        Estimated

Sentence Patterns
2 kinds of clause:
1.       Independent clause
There are 5 basic sentence pattern

2.       Dependent clause :
a.       Adjective clause/relatives clause:who, whom, where, whose, that.
e.g: A girl who standing in front of class is his girlfriend.
b.      Adverb clause ->adverbial phrase; before, because, after.
e.g: After looking my picture, she went to restroom.
c.       Noun clause -> what, when, where, how, why, who.
e.g: I do not understand what he felt.

Understanding Sentence Patterns

A.      Identifying key ideas that made up by 2 parties In to the basic message
The parties are:
1.       Subject -> identifies person/object the sentence is about.
2.       Verb (predicate) -> identifies what the person or object is doing/ has done.
Abstract noun, e.g: development, government, ect.
1.       Developed countrieshaveplenned to build giant industries in Indonesia.
2.       My sister and I go to the museum this morning.
3.       Neither the student nor the lecturers are allowed to smoke.

Sentence that combine ideas

Why sentences should combined:
1.       To clarifies the sentences
2.       To emphasizes the ideas
3.       Between first idea and others can’t separate because its balance ideas.
The example:
I like swimming and she dislike.

Signals of combined ideas:
1.       Use semicolon
2.       There is  conjunction word (and, but, etc)

Sentence that relates ideas

Ideas, there are equal importance.
1.       Most important -> independent clause
2.       Less important -> dependent clause

Understanding Paragraph

Paragraph is a group or specially and intentionally related sentences; a thought unit; sentences that revolve around a single idea and is writer’s attempt to develop an idea or part of an idea.

Part of paragraph are;
1.       Topic
2.       Main idea
3.       Topic sentence
4.       Details
5.       Transitions

*Topic is the subject that the selection is about. Topic is answer of the question what or who is the selection about. What the writer’s thinked about. It usually in a word.

*Main idea is more detail than additional information. Main idea the mind of the paragraph. If we would like to find the main idea of a paragraph just look up the most general sentence to specific sentence. The most general is the main idea. There are 4 places where main idea is usually used; at the first sentence, in the middle, at the last, at the first and the last.

*Topic sentence is sentence that contained about main idea. Topic sentence is describe all mind of paragraph.

*Details are sentences that more specific and additional information about topic sentence. But its relate each other.

*Transition is bridge between paragraph and within paragraph. It used to connect a sentence with another sentence or a paragraph and another paragraph.

How to make a paragraph: a topic-> main idea -> locating details

TO BE SUCCESSFULtopic AT THEIR jobmain idea, internal auditors must be able to write, speak, and listen effectively.topic sentenceOf these three skills, effective listening may be the most crucial because auditors are required to do it so often. Unfortunately, listening also may be the most difficult skill to master.additional/details
Effective listening is challenging, in part, because people often are more focused on what they're saying than on what they're hearing in return. According to a recent study by the Harvard Business Review, people think the voice mail they send is more important than the voice mail they receive. Generally,senders think that their message is more helpful and urgent than do the people who receive it.
Additionally, listening is difficult because people don't work as hard at it as they should. Listening seems to occur so naturally that putting a lot of effort into it doesn't seem necessary. However,transition hard work and effort is exactly what effective listening requires.


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