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Reading Technique


Speed reading is the act of quickly absorbing written information. The goal is to read quickly but still retain comprehension of the material. The rate at which people read material is not a constant and varies greatly depending on several factors. Some material, such as school work or manuals, may require more contemplation and fewer distractions in order to process and still understand what is being conveyed. Being able to read ten books in a single day is useless if the reader is unable to retain comprehension of the material.

There are a few different methods that some speed readers use in order to increase their reading speed. It is important to note that most speed readers use a variety of methods. Some simply skim the words and the information is simple there. You can think of it in terms of a computer scanner. You lay the book or sheet of paper on the scanner. The image is then sent via a connection to your computer where you process the information.
Some of the different methods used in speed reading are chunking, skimming, and eliminating sub-vocalization. Readers will not “read” the words aloud in their minds. Their eyes skim through the material and comprehension is formed within the brain processes. Most speed readers use a variety of methods to increase their speed and comprehension level.

A speed reader may not read every word on the page. They may skip some sections as it as little overall consequence to the meaning. Most people can read a selection much faster if they read silently. Reading each word aloud takes time for the information to make a complete circuit in your brain before being pronounced. Some researchers believe that as long as the first and last letter is in place, the arrangement of the other letters in the word can still be understood by the brain because it logically puts each piece into place.

Speed reading is measured by timing the reader as he or she reads through a selection of material. After the time is up the reader will be tested on his or her overall comprehension of the material. If they make less than 50% of the questions then that test is considered a failure. Speed reading is difficult to test because a large part of the comprehension depends on the reader’s interest. A text book may be difficult to quickly read as there is strange terminology or a lack of interest on the participants’ behalf.
Not everyone can speed read. There are no tried and true methods that work for everyone. The best way to learn how to speed read is to practice and study the different methods that speed readers employ. You may be able to learn how to skim through the material for key words and phrases. You can also try to learn how to read the material without silently pronouncing each word in your mind.
The best tip anyone can have is to practice. There is some reading material that is almost impossible to speed read. Text books and dry facts may not get your attention and as such your mind will wander. In order to appreciate speed reading a person must be engaged in the material and want to know more. If you find yourself constantly having to re-read the same paragraph, you may want to switch to reading material that grabs your attention.

I’ve tried learning how to speed read and I just cannot seem to do it or remember the material. Are some people just gifted with this talent?

There may be several factors working against your desire to learn how to speed read. The first may be that you do not have enough practice or there are too many distractions for you to concentrate. If you do not love to read, no amount of software can make the task easier for you. Some people have a natural affinity for reading and will do better with it than others. It should never be about how fast you can read. It should be about how much information you retain and whether or not you enjoy reading.

Top 10 Speed Reading Comprehension Tips
10.   Clarify your purpose. A good understanding of what you already know and what you need out of the reading is the key to reading comprehension.

2. Look at the front book cover. What information is the author giving you about the story? What does the title suggest? Why did she use this particular graphic on the cover?

3. Read familiar material. When you first learn to Speed Read, use books and articles on subjects you have some familiarity with or subjects you have come across before but aven’t reviewed recently. Later on, you can challenge yourself with new material.

4. Make Predications. Can you make any predictions about the story with the information youve already gathered?

5. What have the experts said about the book or author? Look at the back cover. What are the comments being made by critics whove read the book? What other clues can you pick up?

6. Read the Table of Contents. Its an outline of the book.

7. Make sure you review the glossary. If there are any terms that are unfamiliar to you memorize them.

8. Read the Introduction or Preface. It gives you a good idea of where the author wants to take you.

9. Preview the book to make sure its what you are looking for. Scan the headings and subheadings.

10. Read the topic sentences. Remember that the first and last sentences of a paragraph give you the essence of that paragraph, especially when reading non-fiction.



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