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The Hazards of Going to Medan
There are some hazardous experiences I found when I joined study tour to Medan. Its all about a long trip and wonderful journey that i followed. The first about the transportation, secondly about accomodation, and the last about foods and drink during study tour. Actually no at all the journey we have hazards, there are many happiness and joyful also. But, for this time i want to recount the hazardous experiences.
The first, the important one, a word called transportation. This thing which bring us to go to anywhere. No exception in our study tour last day. My friends and i went to Medan by bus. Big transportation that have four wheel. No problem about the wheel cause the driver always check it out when the bus stopped. Especially my bus, bus number one and the only good bus. I called it because only my bus which have a toilet inside. Three bus other there are not toilet. Its heard good, but the odor of bus made me felt bad. The fragrance of toilet spreaded in the bus during the trip. We said thanks to God if the fragrance has no longer inside. In my bus, there are a line which have three sits. So, its made us felt wider. Anyway, i have got terrible in this topic. I almost stand up all of journey because my friends keep their ego and no permitted me to sit beside of them. My sitting place used by my friend for sleep cause she have bad tempered and sick. I consider her gastricetis is woke up. I just keep my finger and pray to God, may Allah give you health as soon as possible. I searched other place to sit but everyone did not give me place. Well can you guess i was angry  and one of them gave me place eventhough with the heavy heart maybe. I felt sad, i have paid same as the others, but i have to felt the situation uncomfort like those. But the air conditioner of the bus made me sleep along time as much as the bus run. The bus sometimes slow, sometimes fast and made us felt little bit crush. I am remembering, how good the way is. I mean, so dizzy road. I was headache twice. The lucky is i did not take outside part of meal in my stomach.
The second, accomodation. We have to rest and sleep in a bedroom, of course. It is important but we still life without bedroom in the second day in Medan. We had rest in the night after arounded the Maimoon Palace at Asrama Haji. It is a beautiful cheapest place which we can paid. The facilities, might you guess it. Cool. There are no air conditioner, no bathtube, no shower, no swimming pool, no all of things that i have imagined before. But i still said thanks to God. We could sleep at the full bedroom in twin bed with a small pillow. The restroom same as our toilet at campus. The differ is just about the clean. Its more clean. In a bedroom there are two bathroom/restroom. Actually its not good thing because we are about twenty head in the room. We should made a line to take a bath in the night and the morning also. There are several wardrobes, there is none cupboard or case. Could you imagine how nice the room? Its too ‘beautiful’. I mean its little crowded. Forget the damn, we should woke up in the morning and toke a bath in hurry. And there is no breakfast. I have to fasting for a while untill the bus stopped in front of a restaurant.
The last, about foods and drinks. I had written about these one. We have no breakfast on time. Its made several of my friends sick. Its added by the long journey to the place where we want to go or the other name is our place to visited. The place to visited are Pantai Cermin, Maimoon Palace, UNIMED, UISU, Lake Toba, and Samosir Island. I talked about when we visited UNIMED in second day. I have headache because there wass none rice that i ever eat. Then i have a problem when we arrived in Lake Toba. I worried about higiene and halal or no all of foods in there. I was very afraid if i eat some foods which contained with pork or something like that. Its made me too careful in chose foods and drinks at the place. Samosir island is amazing place that i ever came to visit. So much seller in there. I can not counted all the shoppe, home industry, whatever, made me want to spend my money more more and more. But i still aware. I have limited money from my parents and i have to save it. So i forget my willingness to buy anything thats unimportant for me. In the middle of my browsing with my bestie, amy, we have trouble. Its made a suck. We have forgotten the way to comeback to the passangership/boat. We must ask to another people. Amy and i asked to one of seller. Then in time we know the way to comeback. We walked around and went to the boat. I thinked we have to prepare more than it.
I can learn from these hazardous experiences. We have to prepare, and really have  good briefing before go to anywhere. Including when we joined study tour going to Medan. I hope all of the hazards made us more patient and careness with another thing that we have to know it deeply. 


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