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Public Speaking (Speech Planner)

Public Speaking is very important thing in every part of education life, especially for teaching and learning process. It’s because of the information not only from reading process but also directly by native or someone who has the capability in it. Communication or direct information vocalized by human called speech. According to this situation, we need formula to make easier our speeh, we could use the term:

2.       BODY

The sample of speeh.

1.       Greeting and objective:
Salam. Good morning audience? How are you today? Here i am Nia, i’d like to tell you why and how the road could be safer for everyone.

2.       Body speech:
First paragraph:
a.       Background info
Nowadays, we almost can not count how many times road accident occured. About times ago we shocked by tragic accident which happend to a little son of couple famous singer Ahmad Dani and Maia Estianty; Abdul Qadir Jaelani for shorlty Dul. He crashed the other cars. All people whom be the victim was injury and some others passed away. The big big question iswhy the road seems so dangerous and killer?
We absolutely need road to reach our destination. It’s impossible to avoid the road, right?
b.      Thesis statement
So, we should remember the important thing, that the road itsefl is not the problem, but some people who use it on the problem. We can not blamming the road. In the other hand, we could find a solution.
Second paragraph:
summary, paraphrase, and analysis of source 1
In the article titled “Top Reason Why Accident Occur” on, according Departement for transport study, said that the main causes of accident are failure to look properly, another path/speed, careless, slippery road, reckless, in a hurry, poor turning/manuvering, lost of control, too fast, too close then bracking. The research shows the distracted by internal and external factors. Both are fatal probability.
Third paragraph:
summary, paraphrase, and analysis of source 2
however, everyone need to reduce the risk of having an accident on the road. Still on sthe same website, the suggested 4 tips for road users. Firstly, driving safety; make sure the condition and caution. Secondly, don’t ever rush and think about questionable thin on the road to avoid unexpected accident. Thirdly, keep the distance, be aware of traffic around. Lastly, be covered or insurance. Moreover, the government should enforce the policy prohibiting of people on ‘mark’ and repair the road. Especially for pedestarian, use the walkways and take care.
Fourth paragraph:
Toward the article above, its huge warning to all road users, to aware about the safety on the road. The accident could be happened in anytime we’ll never know. But the article paid attention enough to open our responsibility to handle our ways while driving or riding. All sectors should be companied and work together to create the road safety.

3.       Conclusion and ending
At last, we recognize it all depend on ours. How we drive and ride. How we walk to go. Road users and governmet should look many more. We have to prevent before the accident happened. Help our family and friends to use the road as suit as the standard of road safety.
I think that’s all from me. Thank you for your kind attention. i hope my speech will inspire you and we can make the road safe for everyone. Salam.


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